Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Happy Birthday Posma Sensei (?)

Friday,13th May, pelajaran ke 7-8 ( 2 jam pelajaran terakhir @ stece ). Biasanya guru jepang kita selalu on time. She is never late. But, something different in this day. My friends and I wait her in our class. 5' ... 15' ... and the last 30'.... !!!!! woaw it's long time! Posma Sensei hadn't come in our class. why? what happen with her? but I don't care.. I feel happy in that time. yeaaah ga munafik pasti seneng kan kalo ada jam kosong hahha!

In that time my friend, ( I always call her Sherly ) was standing in front of our class. Suddenly she yelled 'eh Posma Sensei dateng' (dengan nada ngotot dan wajah sedikit kecewa). My friend and I so pasti kecewa juga. Suddenly I get a crazy idea. I said to all my friends to hide under the desk.. ya cari sensasi lahh lumayan mumpung masih kelas 2 :)

Finnaly, Posma Sensei have come in our class. She shocked when we were singing happy birthday's song to her. She just gave us a small smile. hahha! Yang paling berkesan waktu Posma Sensei said "heeh pada kemana ini, kenapa sembunyi di kolong?" & "loh, saya tidak ulang tahun hari ini.." (dengan logat percampuran batak dan sunda).

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